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Much of the prostitution I have tacked among Dance411_ALUMNi has led me to crossing paths with private security. They took over everything. You cant even use wifi outside Central Library… Mark_Twain is disabled as well. They got these hypnotizing theives on the street. HumaMama gave me $100 to help about 4-5months ago and while I was skating deep downtown Los Angeles I came across Muna’s trail and she left a water bottle out for me. I had a bad feeling about the area I was going into and I got really sleepy and sat down. I drifted off and the weed I collected off the ground,(since I have no money I learned my dosing, its not much and my doctor is here in LA she got kidnapped as well!)was gone! They poisoned me and stole it. They do hypnotize people as well, thats hoow… Welll The Thinkpad, the Dell, and the MOONLOVER skateboard that Muna pimp stole was all poison just like the mustard gas attack that UCLA split my ankle open and kicked me outside leaving me as prey for Organ harvesters. I dont know how to expose curruption in private security and the hospitals, but there are laws against it. You know mama is from Yemen, Somalia, some shit… Im just learning a lot! My dad rode a skateboard according to local legend and I just want to see my children. I can prove with Coral that she is mine and I did not molest her. The children Muna pinned on me keep talking to me in my head! So im having trouble disproving it. Not that Id want to… I never wanted to be the dirty guy that smokes and doesnt age in my neighborhood. But whatever, I love youguys and will prove to everyone that a dance husband can be faithful and non-controlling only managing via guidance… I would hit you if you hit me tho…. Not as hard tho

Pasted from WikiPedia

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization.

RICO was enacted by section 901(a) of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 (Pub.L. 91–452, 84 Stat. 922, enacted October 15, 1970) and is codified at 18 U.S.C. ch. 96 as 18 U.S.C. §§ 1961–1968. G. Robert Blakey, an adviser to the United States Senate Government Operations Committee, drafted the law under the close supervision of the committee’s chairman, Senator John Little McClellan. It was enacted as Title IX of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, and signed into law by US President Richard M. Nixon. While its original use in the 1970s was to prosecute the Mafia as well as others who were actively engaged in organized crime, its later application has been more widespread.

Beginning in 1972, thirty-three states adopted state RICO laws to be able to prosecute similar conduct…Read_More


There are places we can go with this theme… According to Channeleing BuroDestruct has taken me into their design guild. Check out the WebFonts on GoogleFonts so you can choose some LOGO/DiSPLAY_TEXT for your header. AWWWARDS got amazing example award winning websites for a star like you. Check out TYPEDiFFERENT, lots of font and design inspiration for fan gear and all that shit. You ah DigiTal_Diva and you need a genuine high tech look that represents your household energy… Im Wally

Film Noir Expressionistic crime dramas of the 40s and 50s: tough cops and private eyes, femme fatales, mean city streets and deserted backroads, bags of loot and dirty double-crossers…WatchMore


I checked out your cover spread from Essance… You look amazing…

Tycho · Tycho - Awake

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